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The Online presence of Inderjeet Sodhi - IT Consultant, Software/E-Security Solution Provider,
Web/WAP developer and Beta Tester

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Freelance Consultancy
Inderjeet also offers, as a freelancer, consultancy services to needy clients. The motive is to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical groups. Sometimes, the management may not be aware about technical issues associated with the (IT deptt. of the) business. In such a case, the hardware vendors, specially in India, may take them for a ride. This is where the sincerety and professional responsibility of Inderjeet comes handy.

Due to the vast experience in the IT field, Inderjeet knows about current and future trends in Electronics, Software and Hardware. He knows the pros and cons of various services, systems and practices, has faced various problems (in IT) and come up with related solutions. This makes him an ideal consultant. The objective of the service is to share the experience and help:

Under the Consultancy umbrella, there are various services as mentioned below. One or more of these maybe obtained (partial and indicative list only):

Contact Inderjeet for your specific requirements. We're more than willing to assist you. It's going to be a mutual benefit after all...

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Last updated: September 01 2012 13:30:00.
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