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The Online presence of Inderjeet Sodhi - IT Consultant, Software/E-Security Solution Provider,
Web/WAP developer and Beta Tester

Note: Due to the nature of content, this page is under frequent modifications.

While working with computers, every now and then we come to a point when we feel "That's it! I've tried enough, there is no way to do this.". And after a few minutes, probably with someone's help, we realise how simple it actually was. This page is intended to do just that... All the best!

If you're facing some specific problems, you might also like to see the Troubleshooting/KnowledgeBank Page.

Click on the links below

1) Installing a Network Printer in Windows XP.
2) Reading Corrupted Coreldraw (.CDR) Files
3) Visual Basic Errors: Error 429-Identify the Issues

Installing a network Printer in Windows XP
Installing a network Printer in Windows XP is a big hassle. More so if the printer is attached to a Windows 98 machine on the network. But not really, if you know the knack!

Usually, when we install a printer over network(a network printer), the drivers are copied from the source computer (where the printer is installed). But in case of Windows 98, the system with the printer may not have compatible set of Drivers for Windows XP or 2000. To resolve the issue and install the printer, do the following:

• Make sure the printer installed and running from the computer it is directly connected to. Also make sure that is shared.
• On the target machine, install the printer as LOCAL printer and not as network printer.
• When the system asks you to specify a port, just select the network path the computer is on (For example: \\server\HPDJ).
• The system might ask you for the Driver CD if the driver is not available on the source computer. When prompted, insert the CD and browse to the folder that contains drivers for Windows XP or 2000.
• In a few minutes, you're printer will be installed.


Reading Corrupted Coreldraw Files.
Those in the Desktop Publishing field  use Coreldraw a lot. This is because of its immense capabilities to draw vector graphics and save the same in a very compact files. However, the files often get corrupted due to some reason. Sometimes the "header" gets damaged or at other times, the "preview" saved in the file gets damaged. Due to this, the file can no longer be read in Coreldraw. In such a case, the user has only three options:
a) Hope and Pray that one of the next two alternatives will work
b) Import the file using File->import from within Coreldraw. This helps many a times since the import filter ignores some damaged information and reads the rest of the file. Voila! You're lucky!!


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